Kotlin Programming Language

With its extra features, Kotlin is more functional than Java. In addition, due to Kotlin’s Coroutines tool, it’s also easier to work with multi-threaded apps. However, Kotlin compiles and executes a little slower than Java, which is mainly due to its extensive number of features.

Kotlin developer meaning

Other IDEs and source editors, such as Eclipse, Visual Studio Code, and Atom, have Kotlin community-supported plugins. Kotlin is 100% compatible with the JVM and as such you can use any existing frameworks such as Spring Boot, vert.x or JSF. In addition, there are specific frameworks written in Kotlin such as Ktor. For more information, check out the resource on server-side development.

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Jupyter and Zeppelin, two tools used daily by many Data Scientists for data visualization and exploratory research, also support Kotlin. Kotlin/JS allows developers to access powerful browser and web APIs in a type-safe fashion. They can write front-end code https://wizardsdev.com/ in the same language that they used for back-end code, and it’ll be compiled to JavaScript to run in the browser. The modern features of the language make it possible for Web Developers to build applications that can scale quickly on commodity hardware.

Kotlin developer meaning

Kotlin is one of the fastest-growing and widely used programming languages. Kotlin brings together the best object-oriented and functional programming features. Software developers across the globe prefer the Kotlin language for various projects. It is quite easy to maintain and debug this language, so it is a good language to start with. For almost anyone doing Android development, the advantages of Kotlin are compelling. The typical rough estimate indicates approximately a 40% cut in the number of lines of code from Java to Kotlin.


Turing offers remote software developers jobs with unmatched compensation and long-term career growth in top US companies. In the end, developers should take their pick as per their project’s requirements. They should also list the pros and cons of each language to make an informed decision. Language scripting helps developers execute different functions automatically, which otherwise would require manual operation. Kotlin developers are also not required to go through the often frustrating and time-consuming process of catching or declaring exceptions, while Java coders do. This does, however, ensure robust code with proper error handling.

Fewer lines of code also make it easier to catch errors in the code and allow a faster rate of production. Code written using Kotlin is expressive and easily readable, with a clean syntax. An obvious choice; Android development tools, libraries, documentation, and more come with in-built support for Kotlin users. Coroutines are threads that operate asynchronously and are suspended if necessary, then restarted later.

This is all of a piece with Kotlin’s philosophy of making things explicit rather than relying on defaults. Have a look at the function declaration near the top of both panes. The return type in Java precedes the prototype, but in Kotlin it succeeds the prototype, demarcated with a colon as in Pascal. Android Studio has official support for Kotlin, starting from Android Studio 3. IntelliJ IDEA 15 was the first version to bundle the Kotlin plugin in the IntelliJ Installer, and provide Kotlin support out of the box.

Kotlin-x Projects and Community Projects

There are also great learning materials on offer for Kotlin – there are many courses that are easy-paced, and which offer key insights into the programming structure. The Kotlin developer community is also very big, meaning there are always experts that you can fall back on if you get stuck. Primarily, Java was used for developing Android applications, but it’s become an ideal choice for big data, ecommerce, and enterprise systems. Companies like Netflix, AppleTV, Hybris, and ATG all use this technology.

This rising language is perfect for modern developers and is easy to pick up for existing Java developers. Package-level functions are used to hold tasks equally useful for any object in the program. For example, a convert function that converts kg to lbs and lbs to kg would be a good package-level function because any class in the program might have to convert measurements. Type inference is a compiler feature that allows you to omit types in your code when the compiler can infer it for you. This is also sometimes called smart typing or implicit typing.

Kotlin developer meaning

It allows writing some parts of code that work seamlessly within Java code. It makes the process much easier to switch from Java to Kotlin during development. There is no doubt that Kotlin is a very interesting programming language aiming to solve problems in different domains. Programmers specializing in Kotlin are a very valuable resource for any software development company, as they can engage in the development of different solutions. To add, Kotlin programming language can be used in the same projects alongside Java. That’s why there is no need to rebuild the whole project with Kotlin.

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We do digital product development, digital marketing, and workshops. They investigated the alternatives, stayed unsatisfied, and decided to invent their own language. The goal was to get an effective tool that could be used together with Java and work everywhere where Java can. We’d be more than happy to have it featured under Community Content. The source code, tooling, documentation and even this web site is maintained on GitHub.

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If you’re not quite ready to go all-in, watch the free masterclass on building your high-income skill programming. Kotlin code is clearer and more compact than Java, helping developers ensure production code is stable and consistent. Bugs are detected at the compile stage, so Android developers can fix errors before runtime. Kotlin is well-regarded by mobile app developers; many now prefer it to Java, its elder counterpart. Kotlin allows type inference so that developers do not have to declare the type of each variable separately. Smart cast is an exclusive feature of the Kotlin language.

Built for object oriented programming with extremely limited functional support. Developers can apply static java keywords to different methods, blocks, variables, and nested classes to make them static members. Also, developers can access these members without instantiating the class. Implicit type conversion is the conversion of a data type automatically by a compiler. Data types of the same kind convert to accommodate smaller data types into larger data types. Developers need to establish the fields or variables to store data, the constructor, and the getter/setter functions for the fields/variables and some other functions in Java.

Although Kotlin is also an established language, it is still younger than Java and has no versions with long-term support at the time of writing. Although both Java and Kotlin are considered stable languages, Java can ultimately be considered more stable. Java has been in the development scenario for quite a long time. There is long-term support for versions like Java 8 and Java 11, meaning that if anything goes wrong with these versions, developers can fix it with a patch. A developer can download various versions of Java with a free license.

  • However, selecting the best programming language for Android development can be a herculean task.
  • Many programmers use Kotlin/JVM for back-end web development because they’re writing less code than they would with Java, even if it’s the same code.
  • Correcting these and preventing them from recurring is a time-consuming and expensive endeavor.
  • IntelliJ IDEA 15 was the first version to bundle the Kotlin plugin in the IntelliJ Installer, and provide Kotlin support out of the box.
  • If you don’t want to write code in two different programming languages, you can compile Kotlin code to JavaScript.

Therefore, Kotlin is a better choice for developing modern-day Android apps. Almost every app in the Google Play store is based on Kotlin, which serves as a base for writing microservices. Companies like Pinterest, Trello, Coursera, and Evernote use Kotlin, to name just a few.

In Kotlin, on the other hand, trying to attribute null values to variables or objects by default will stop the code from compiling. Many features that are specifically designed for Android development, such as built-in support for null safety and Android Extensions. Kotlin developer job Full compatibility with existing Java code, so you can gradually migrate your app to Kotlin without having to rewrite everything from scratch. Easy to learn – Basic is almost similar to java.If anybody worked in java then easily understand in no time.

Your Complete Guide to the Kotlin Programming Language

It was first introduced by JetBrains in 2011 and a new language for the JVM. Kotlin is object-oriented language, and a “better language” than Java, but still be fully interoperable with Java code. Originally intending to make coding in Java more productive, a team from JetBrains introduced Kotlin in 2017. Shortly thereafter in 2018, Kotlin became its own official programming language.

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